Beautiful gay men videos

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Throughout his career, Sakima has shown us time and time again that he knows how to write good music about gay sex. Pop upcomer Vincint wants you to stop beating around the bush with his dramatically passionate single “Mine.” From suggesting light attraction to literally pleading his lover to be with him, Vincint pulls out all of the stops on the heart-pounding love song. Wanna let your lover know just how sexy you find them? Look no further than MNEK’s simmering single “Tongue.” The British star’s track employs his exuberant sexuality, a hard-hitting beat and expertly-crafted melodies to make this one of the sexiest songs about gay romance in recent memory. While the subtext of “Preacher” hints at a particularly one-sided desire, there is no denying that this bouncing bop off of Years & Years’ Palo Santo is an excellent love song about finding yourself face to face with “the one.”

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This heartbreaking ballad follows a young man coming out of the closet to his father by confessing his love for another man, all while Smith’s stunning vocals convey both the pain and the tenderness of the song at the same time. While Sam Smith may have once faced criticism for a lack of gender-specific pronouns in his songs, “Him” more than makes up for it.

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